Home : Company Info : Anderson vs RBA Anderson Windows vs Renewal By AndersonCompare Anderson Windows vs Renewal By Anderson in terms of cost, customer service and quality of their products and number of models available.
Cost & PricingAnderson and RBA are pretty different in terms of costs, mainly because these companies are set up so differently. The Anderson 400 series, which is considered an excellenet windows, will run $900 + fully installed. A comparable 200 Series should run $800 + full installed and their 100 Series will run $700 + fully installed. Anderson sells their windows through distributors, instead of the franchise model of Renewal By Anderson.
Customer ServiceAnderson sells their windows through distributors - individuals who are authorized to sell the products in a particular city, area or region. Anderson has always maintained very high standards of consistency in terms of product and customer service. Like any large window manufacturer, there are always consumers who experience bad customer service (often it is directed at or due primarily to the contractor or installer), but for the most part, Anderson has a good reputation in the industry. Read Anderson Reviews here.
Number Of Window LinesAnderson offers 4 main window series, inclduing the 100, 200, 400 and Architectural models. However, Anderson does own several companies that handle vinyl windows, including Silverline and American Craftsman.
Bottom LineAnderson and Renewal By Anderson are both well known manufacturers that produce top end products at high end prices. Assuming you can afford them and you get good installation, either of these will make for fine home windows. However, for the cost of the Renewal, a homeowner can get the Anderson 400 Series window, which is a beautiful wood clad window that gets excellent reviews from contractors and homeowners and is one of the best from Anderson. Andersen Window Bid RequirementsHi Bill: thank you for providing a place to discuss window options. I received a quote from Lowes for my four sliding glass doors. I got another bid from a local glass company and am talking to Anderson about their method and waiting for an appointment. The big difference is that Lowes and All Venture Glass are proposing to install retrofit windows and Anderson says they replace the frame and everything.
[Site Editor's Answer]Dena, there are two basic installation types: full frame and retrofit. I can't tell you which you need, but the more bids you get, the better equipped you will be to answer the question...really by getting each companies to tell you why they would go with retrofit or full frame:
Anderson 100 or Anderson Renewal productHello, I recently completed a major renovation in Raleigh, NC (27609) where I used Andersen 100 casements. Since we went to the studs on this project, we used their product with a nail fin. Does this window come in a version as a replacement window (I am about to do another house, but it won't involve siding or trim replacement)?
[Site Editor's Answer]Eric, the Andersen 100 comes either as a new construction with the nail fin on or as a replacement model. The Andersen 100 uses the same composite frame as the Renewal, and you are correct, it is way way less expensive.
Renewal by Anderson Cost BidWe are replacing our windows and are confused. We have one four-lite casement-picture/picture-casement measuring 96x63, one slider measuring 66x39, 3 sliders measuring 58x47, and one double hung measuring 28x40. Here are our bids we have gotten.
Site Editor's ReplyJanice, if these were my bids, I'd go with the Provia Endure option. I think it offers the most bang for your buck. Renewal By Anderson makes a nice window, but I think that's too much for 6 windows (the four-lite casement is obviously going to be quite a bit more than a standard window). The Marvin Integrity would be my pick after the Provia.
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