Anderson Windows vs Marvin Windows

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Anderson Windows vs Marvin Windows

Compare Anderson Windows vs Marvin Windows in terms of cost, customer service and quality of their products and number of models available.

Please note, this website has no affiliation with Anderson or Marvin Windows.

Window Replacement Bids

Cost & Pricing

Anderson and Marvin are pretty equal in terms of window costs, at least in terms of Anderson 400 series compared to the Marvin Ultimate. Both the 400 and Ultimate are considered excellenet windows that will run $900 + fully installed. Anderson also makes the 200 Series, which is more a builder grade wood window, as well as the A Series, which is a very high end wood clad architectural model.

Marvin also has the Infinity and Integrity models that will run $550 to $800 fully installed, depending on the size, glass package, upgrades and add ons that the consumers requires. The Infinity is generally considered the better window in terms of quality, construction and customization and will usually run $75 per window more than the comparable Integrity model. The one nice option on the Integrity is a real wood interior (Fibrex exterior) that makes for a decent wood clad window at an affordable price.

Customer Service

Most companies, including Anderson and Marvin, sell their windows through distributors - individuals who are authorized to sell the products in a particular city, area or region. So it's a bit unfair to ding the companies on direct customer service - although poor quality windows themselves are certainly the responsibility of the companies.

In general, Marvin gets slightly better marks for their customer service. In fact, they tend to be the company that gets the most poistive and least negative said about it. Anderson, on the other hand, has always maintained very high standards of consistency in terms of product and customer service (read Anderson reviews). Like any large companies, there are always consumers who got the wrong order or had a bad experience, but for the most part, both Anderson and Marvin have good reputations.

Number Of Window Lines

Anderson offers only 4 main models, the 100, 200, 400 and Architectural models. However, Anderson does own several companies that handle vinyl windows, including Silverline Windows and American Craftsman. Marvin sells three main lines; the Infinity and Integrity fiberglass windows and the Ultimate wood window. They also sell a replacement Tilt Pac, but this isn't a window series per se.

Bottom Line

Both Anderson and Marvin are very well known and popular manufacturers that produce well made products at high end prices. Assuming you can afford them, either of these windows is a good bet with proper installation. Marvin probably makes a slightly better product than Anderson for the price. Click to explore top rated Anderson series and models.

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